Elite STEM AI/ML Python Onramp


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The perfect first serious course in programming STEM & AI/ML 

Whether your child is in 5th grade or 9th grade, this is the ideal rigorous-but-fun introduction to modern programming and serious machine learning (AI)


The deepest intro program - transform into a STEM kid in one course

3-5 times longer than other intro courses. Designed to be challenging (not overwhelming) and build real programmers with hardcore skills. Creates a solid foundation of knowledge to build on for both programming and AI

Learn programming and ML/Deep Learning in a fun STEM Context

This course is designed to follow the arc of a creative scientific/engineering story and kids learn to save the world as they learn to think logically & mathematically like programmers, engineers, and scientists

What will my student learn?

  • Python to advanced-intermediate level
  • Scientific programming with vectors, arrays, tensors, and images
  • Serious intro to machine learning (ML)
  • Serious intro to deep learning (DL). Deep dive into 1D and 2D CNN's
  • Problem solving in STEM and good programming practices
  • Initial understanding of object-oriented programming 
  • Using Keras-TensorFlow & scikit-learn
  • Many applications, homework, and mini-projects reinforcing above

No prior programming or AI experience required; assumes no experience and starts from scratch/ 'Hello World'.

How long is this course?

  • About 75 hours of primary, live online instruction over 18 consecutive weeks
  • Class two days per week 2 hours each
  • Many additional office hours for extra help  and bonus instruction
  • A bit longer than a full semester school course
  • Typically spans a summer, or a fall or spring FULL semester plus a few extra weeks
  • Students have access to video of all their actual lectures, plus a standardized video version of the course so they can work ahead or review years later


Who is this course for?

  • Academically-oriented, motivated students can start as early as 5th or even 4th grade, if they are up for a challenge
  • Great for middle schoolers, or up to 9th/10th grade. Students grouped in similar age cohorts
  • Any student interested in a STEM career and interested in programming & AI/ML
  • Students interested in competing in STEM competitions (3M YSC, Regeneron ISEF/STS, Thermo-Fisher JIC,...)
  • Students interested in finding a research affiliation/internship with a university lab or tech company in high school 
  • Students interested in learning serious AI/ML early on
  • Prerequisite for our more advanced programs

Current course available  schedule(s)

  • Every Monday & Wednesday 7pm-9pm
  • Every Tuesday & Thursday 6:30pm-8:30pm
  • Every Saturday & Sunday 8am-10am
  • Every Saturday & Sunday 11:30am-1:30pm
  • Every Saturday & Sunday 6:30pm-8:30pm

Current course available start dates

  • Starting week beginning July 22
  • Starting week beginning August 5
  • Starting week beginning August 19
  • Starting week beginning September 2
  • Starting week beginning September 16

Course price

  • $3490 for 18 week live online course
  • Apply invitation codes at checkout to receive potential discount, if available
  • Future course pricing subject to change 
  • Course enrollment subject to availability; first come/ first served enrollment priority for this course

Sound like a great fit?

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Get more information below by joining our community, attending a webinar, or receiving a video sample of our course when it's available


Want to speak with our Founder, Andy Steinbach, to discuss if our course is right for your student? Schedule a 1-1 meeting below:

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We'll send you a video section of our Onramp Course as a free gift when it's ready!


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In a world where most are captivated and captured by AI, only one force can save the world from itself...


...an elite group of kids known as the 'Stars of STEM'!

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